
Characters for Animated Film

Characters for Animated Film 



I took Danny’s Character Design class on because I felt it was what I needed to get to the next level. His approach to Character Design was unique and really helpful. It has not only improved my ability to draw, but also made me look at my drawings in a whole new light, meaning I wasn’t focused on making a “Pretty” drawing, but focused on the “Life & Character” of the drawing which helped immensely. Shortly after taking his class, I was presented with an opportunity to test for a Character Designer position at Warner Bros. Animation. While I was taking the test, I applied everything I learned from Danny’s class, and to my surprise (because I failed all attempts at taking these tests before haha) I PASSED! :)

What I appreciated most is that he not only told us what to do, but took the time to draw over my stuff during this class to show me what I was doing right and how it could be improved. Since this class was all online, I didn’t get a chance to meet him in person until 2015 CTN Roadtrip in Burbank Ca. and he was all I expected him to be, a really nice guy. I can’t thank Danny enough for helping me get to where I’ve always wanted to be.

I would highly recommend this class for anyone that wants to take their art to the next level.

— Ivan Mendoza, Character Designer, Warner Bros. Animation

I'm excited to announce ‪Schoolism‬' s ‪kickstarter‬ campaign where classes will now be offered as low as $10 a month. Everyone deserves a chance at great education. Through this program Schoolism has turned this into a reality for professional and aspiring artists


Two Ways to Learn